Sunday, October 11, 2009

David Rokeby "Shock Absorber" and "very nervouse system"

David Rokeby is a canadian artist who went to ocad for sculpture and instalation (like me ) He works a lot in electronics. Shock absorber pictured above is a video instalation where the camera obserbes a street and shows on one screen the movements and on the other screen the constants. The technology is when the camera shows the difference between 2 frames on one screen and whatevers the same on another. One thing that was observed is that when this was on the street, in one screen where all the working class, busilly hurrying of to work with their briefcases, and in the other screen where all the homeless people sittle on the sidewalk. Kind of an interesting social observance.

This video above is another work by him called nervous system. He has created a program wich plays music in acordance with his movements. kind of a reverse dancing. Interesting!

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