Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Gap Tooth

Above is a picture of Jessica Hart. Her unique attractiveness I think is much indebted to her gap tooth, I don't know what it is but if you take a gorgeous perfect girl and give her a gap tooth it makes her so irresistible. If you take and average girl and give her a gap tooth she is no longer average but sexy, if you take a heroin addict and give her a gap tooth it looks disgusting.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Healthy Chocolate!!!

A good friend of mine, is a terribly healthy eater! I went to visit her in Collingwood at the beginning of the summer, and she fed me nothing but raw vegtables and nuts, I scoured her fridge till I could find some Vegan mayo to eat with my veggies! Any way this wonderfully healthy girl named Alisa has started a business selling Healthy Chocolate!! Click the title browse and order!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Dollarama says Happy Halloween

Dollarama has all there Halloween decorations on sale!! I'm so excited! I always have to stock up on stuff for the entire year, because it's only sold once a year. Today I got a shopping bag with spiders on it! last year I got winter skeleton gloves! too cool! you must go!

Wasabi Peas

Today me and Ashley went to the bulk barn and I splurged on some Wasabi Peas!!! I didn't really understand why I liked them so much since I don't like spicy food, but Ashley explained to me that wasabi is like a slap in the face, it hits you and then goes away, but normal spicy food has a way of lingering and affecting everything else you eat.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Death Certificate

Click the title to go to the application website! Here I am minding my own business on facebook, seeing adds on the side of the screen out of the corner of my eye which I assume are screened to somehow relate to my life...and and add for a death certificate appears! this scares me a lot!! does it know something about my loved ones that I don't...I go through my head thinking to whome am I the next of kin...I don't think anyone...that would mean more than one person would have to die for me to fill this out...

Friday, August 7, 2009

threadless graphic Ts

I know funny T-shirts may be out or lame, but remember this, What's out now will be vintage in 10yrs!! and these t-s are really cute!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

1920s painted knees

In the 1920s when women were first wearing skirts that showed their knees, they painted their knees/shins! I was talking to my grampa's sister about this recently... maybe this is a fashion trend I will have to bring back!